Beverly Hills Intensive English Centre offers international students from around the world intensive English programs to improve their English before they attend their new high school.
Students learn English through key learning areas, including mathematics, history, geography, science, visual arts, drama, health, sport, computer studies and music.
Please visit the DE International website to find details about applying to become an international student at our school.
Please feel free to contact our school for help with your application.
CRICOS provider name: NSW Department of Education | CRICOS provider code: 00588M
Essential information for International Students:
After you have completed your enrollment with DE International you will have an interview at the school. More enrollment information can be found here:
- You must attend your interview at the IEC with your legally nominated guardian.
- Bring your passport, visa and health insurance card.
- Your guardian must bring their passport and drivers licence with correct address.
Accomodation and Welfare
- International students in years 7 and 8 must live with an approved relative at all times.
- International students in years 9 and 12 may live with a parent, approved relative or in a homestay.
- If you are 18 and over and you choose to live on you own, you must still have an emergency contact person. Your emergency contact must be over 21 years old and be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident.
- If you change your homestay or guardian, you must have parental approval and DEC International approval.
- If you change address you must inform the school by completing a “Change of Address” form.
- Attendance is a minimum of 80% for each term. If you do not meet this you may have your visa cancelled. Lateness can cause your attendance percentage to drop.
- When you are absent you will need to provide a signed note from your guardian. If you are absent for more than 3 days you will need a medical certificate from a registered doctor.
It is important to know Australian laws and how they can impact you.
For example it is illegal to consume and / or purchase alcohol and cigarettes under the age of 18 years old. Visit Youth Law Australia to find your rights and responsibilities in Australia.